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Since I am no longer a professor in the classroom, this blog is changing focus. (I may at some future date change platforms, too, but not yet). I am now (as of May 2019) playing around with the idea of using this blog as a place to talk about the struggles of writing creatively. Those of you who have been following (or dipping in periodically) know that I've already been doing a little of that, but now the change is official. I don't write every day--yet--so I won't post to the blog every day--yet. But please do check in from time to time, if you're interested in this new phase in my life.

Hi! And you are...?

I am interested to see the fluctuation in my readers--but I don't know who is reading the blog, how you found it, and why you find it interesting. I'd love to hear from you! Please feel free to use the "comment" box at the end of any particular post to let me know what brought you to this page--and what keeps you coming back for more (if you do).

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Distracted by "research" again

My writerly duties today consisted primarily of selecting somewhere to submit a story or two. Ended up being one--and not one of the ones that recently got rejected, though I'll submit those as well, just elsewhere.

It's a strange thing to throw those darts: there is no way to anticipate where one of my stories might find a happy home, or which one to send to what journal or magazine.

But I also got distracted by some research, as I was also doing some revising. I came across a file with a title I didn't recognize, so I thought I'd look at it. It seems I once had an idea of turning the "story suite" I've been noodling with into a novel, though I'm now very sure there isn't a novel in there: the interconnected stories are the right size and shape for what I have to say in that setting. But I realized that my mental image of the common setting has varied some over the years, and I wanted to try to get some of the details more clear to myself so the setting coheres better among the stories--and indeed, in the one I was looking at, so the setting coheres within the story. For instance, I had imagined a town with only about three businesses along the main street--but with a relatively large high school and a public library. That doesn't hold together. Any town large enough to have a high school of its own and a library is decidedly going to have a few more businesses in it. (I should know: I live in a town that size.)

So I was digging around, trying to find towns I could use as approximate models for the one I'm imagining, but that led me into thinking about growing zones (could there be a melon farmer, as in the story I was revising?) and who the local big-wigs would be (mentioned in one or two stories, and one story is that of the daughter of that family, assuming there's only one). (And I just got distracted for a minute there by what the family's source of income would be, which will require more thought and possibly more research.)

I also opened up some of my other stories because I wanted to record word counts (it matters for some submissions), which got me revising a different story--actually, the first that I wrote in this suite--and that led me to trying to find out what plants would be growing beside a creek in that setting, which also led to an attempt to find a good synonym for "weed"--and I don't mean the kind a person smokes, so I was rather out of luck on that one.

And I was going to work on another story, or at least record the word count, and I suddenly realized that I have to do some snow removal before I head off for tonight's get-together with my mother and sister, but I wanted to post to the blog first so ... here I am.

And here I go. That driveway isn't going to shovel itself.

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